Click on payouts you will be redirected to Pay Management page, where you can see Tabs like Pending, Processed, Locked.
In "Pending" tab,
You can see "Add pay" and "Process Pay" buttons.
If you click on Add pay you will get a popup window with the name Add Pay where you can see Fields like Employee, Year Month, LOP, Payroll Days , after filling all the details click on Add button.
After Adding pay to the user, the next step goes for processing but before processing it we need to verify.
To Verify the pay expand any of the user to whom you want process , after expanding you can see a box with all user pay details at the bottom of that box you can see a button like " Mark as Verified".
Once If you click on " Mark as Verified" button then that particular users pay is verified. Now to process user pay click on process pay button.
In "Processed " tab
You can see user's processed pay details. You can Lock the pay from processed tab.
In "Locked" Tab
You can see details of user's locked pay. If you click on Lock button at the bottom after expanding user processed details pay of that users is locked for that selected month.
If you want to process pay by selecting Month, then on the top left there is a dropdown of month&year , choose from that dropdown and click GO button.
After Clicking go button you can see users in that selected month who are to be processed for that selected month.